h-60/pt wire harness

Wiring Harness: 5805-392-7726, $11.95
Shipping: $3.00

TA-312/PT handset H-60/PT New wiring harness Mint Condition. This is the blue and yellow wires that connect to the upper Receiver Element TA-235/PT and routed through the handset to the bottom of the Transmitter Cup and connected to the Varistor. Frayed wires are problematic: intermittent reception problems can be caused by these two wires: Frequently one or both become defective when frayed through twisting of the Receiver's Cap and receiver element TA-235/PT through out its 60 year plus existence. Problem is Not easily detected visibly without using a multimeter to check its electrical continuity -- can be very frustrating and mind-boggling with seemingly "in-tact" wires.

Some installation notes:

tPay attention to the connection orientation of color blu/yel wire harness.
The handset can be disassembled to replace the blu/yel wire harness by beginning first through the transmitter and removing the two screws. You will need to loosen the Push-to-talk (PTT) switch and lift it up enough to enable routing the blu/yel wire harness out to remove and down to reinsert and through to those two screws. Then at the receiver end unscrew the blu/yel wire harness wires and pull out along with the black rubber gasket at the receiver end. Insert the new blu/yel wire harness wires from the receiver end. You will need to guide the two blu/yel wire harness wires out from inside the Push-To-Talk cavity and route through to the transmitter end back to the two screws. Hope that’s not too confusing.

Still can't remove it? If you can’t easily pull it out:

From the receiver side the rubber gasket, with the two wires, will slide out when you pull both the blue and yellow wires simultaneously, after you have removed the other screw ends at the transmitter side. Sometimes when rubber is sunk in and seemingly stuck, I will bend a piece of metal wire hanger and push it through the PTT cavity towards the Receiver end; you can’t pull it through or down into the PTT cavity – has to go up. Pulling on the two defective wires might break if the rubber is stuck, so pushing up with a wire hanger will do it. The rubber sides (receiver end) have short ears protruding, if you can see them then use a needle nose plier to grab one and pull. All models have the same.rubber gasket configuration The problem with many is that they are extremely old with rotting or brittle or slimey rubber that seems with time can bond to the aperture . Usually the harness is as simple as pulling the blue/yellow wires and the rubber gasket will slide out. However, recently removing that stubborn rubber gasket was facilitated by dropping a drop or two of WD-1 oil on the stuck gasket. The customer indicated that this worked -- the gasket slipped out.
